Friday 7 December 2018

How will we cope with an Elf on the Shelf

December came and so did a new comment from our youngest, Jane. “Sarah and Julian both have a magical Elf on the Shelf that talks to Father Christmas.” After a few days of  ‘Elf on the Shelf this..’ and ‘Elf on the Shelf that..’ it became apparent that what Jane was really after was an Elf of her own. She even made a video to Santa on my phone that I found late on Monday night. But Elf on the Shelf is a bit difficult in our house.

This post has been updated. Read the post here>>


  1. Ah we had similar issues. We introduced a soft cuddly elf without the box, book or rules and he just has fun every night getting into funny positions while the girls sleep. We've had him about 4 years now and they love him!

    1. That sounds like fun. I know quite a few people with their own elves. Glad the girls love him :-). Thanks for commenting Steph xx

  2. My kids are too old for Elf on the Shelf and it wasn't a thing for them growing up. I can see the issues it must pose for you. I love your poem. #KCACOLS

  3. I think it is great that you have tailored the elf on the shelf idea to work for your family, I like the idea of keeping it positive. My kids said they didn't want an elf as they thought it was spying on them. #KCACOLS

  4. It is lovely that you have found a way for your children to be able to join in with the festivities. I hope you all enjoy the run up to Christmas. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.

  5. We've never done elf on the shelf. I can see the challenges it presents to your household and it's interesting to read how you've overcome them. #kcacols

  6. I love your poem. We haven't introduced Elf on the Shelf. I can't decide if I want to, to be honest. #KCACOLS

  7. We've never done Elf on the Shelf but our oldest already has one on her birthday list - not sure where I'll find one in August though! #KCACOLS


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