Sunday, 5 November 2017

SEND and SpectrumSunday #60

Hope you all had a good half term? I'm back this week for our SEND and Spectrum Sunday linky with some exciting news. The absolutely fabulous Victoria, previously of Mummy Times Two and now from the all new, Starlight and Sparkles blog is coming on board as co-host for a while.  Yay!

Specifically Victoria is going to help with hosting duties with myself.  Danielle from Someone's Mum is still going to be sharing all your #spectrumsunday tweets and she's having a think about what other helpful thing she can do to spread our posts about.  As we've got Victoria onboard, we've re-hashed how the linky operates so check it out below.

My favourite post from the last #SpectrumSunday was from a new linker Spitting Yarn about her son and his rail passion.  I loved her insight.  This week I'm linking up a post about the woman who was filmed dragging her autistic son along the pavement - warning, I totally got it - and a moment from my #MadeUpMilestones guest post series.  If you want to take part in my series just see the details at the bottom of that post.  I'd love to share your stories.

Our linky is fortnightly and is for sharing your autism, SEND, additional needs and mental health posts or anything you think might be useful for our community.  Each week the host will comment on, pin and share your linked up posts.  We just ask you share a bit of love with other posts in return through commenting or sharing.  If you have any questions about a linky you can see my guide or contact me.

How the #spectrumsunday linky operates
  • This linky will run from 8am Sunday for two weeks, allowing everyone to link up 
  • You can add up to two posts or micro-blog posts per person, old or new.  If adding a micro-blog from facebook, make sure you add the link of the post by clicking on the time stamp to copy the link.
  • It would be great if you could choose one host post and one co-host post to comment on each week
  • Then comment on the post before yours and more if you can!  If you have any difficulty commenting, please let me or the linker know 
  • This subject can be incredibly emotive so kind and supportive messages only please.
  • Add the hashtag #spectrumsunday to your tweeted posts and we will retweet for you! Just tag us in the tweets @rainbowsaretoo, @2ndtimemama and @mumsomeone 
  • If you add a Facebook microblog add the #spectrumsunday to your post and tag the host - this week that's me - Rainbows are too beautiful Facebook
  • For all other posts, please be kind and add our linky badge to the bottom of your post/s so people can find their way back to read other posts (just copy and paste the code below into your HTML - see this guide if you are unsure). 
  • Spectrum Sunday

As always we are looking forward to reading your posts.

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I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.

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