Hello people, we've entered half term and we are all over the place. Not physically just mentally in our household! Danielle though is mega busy so I'm running the linky again this week.
My favourite post from the last #SpectrumSunday was from Life and ASC called Social Hangover. I learn so much from autistic bloggers and this post on recovering from a social overload was one I banked for future reference.
Our linky is for sharing your autism, SEND, additional needs and mental health posts or anything you think might be useful for our community. It's co-hosted by myself and Danielle at Someone's Mum and we comment on, pin and share your posts each week. We just ask you share a bit of love with other posts in return through commenting or sharing. If you have any questions about a linky you can see my guide or contact me.
This week I've got a bit of a theme. I'm linking up a post about the new autistic character on kids tv, and some of my favourite books with autistic kid characters.
How the #spectrumsunday linky operates
- This linky will run from 8am Sunday for two weeks, allowing everyone to link up get a wide range of posts now the linky is fortnightly.
- Please be kind and add our linky badge to the bottom of your post/s so people can find their way back to read other posts (just copy and paste the code below into your HTML - see this guide if you are unsure)
- Add up to two posts or micro-blog posts per person, old or new. If adding a micro-blog from facebook, make sure you add the link of the post by clicking on the time stamp to copy the link.
- Please comment (or share) on one post from each host (if we've added a post)
- Then comment (or share) on the post before yours and more if you can!
- If you comment, please make sure they are thoughtful and valuable - this subject is incredibly emotive and we all handle our daily struggle differently so kind and supportive messages only please.
- Add the hashtag #spectrumsunday to your tweets and we will retweet for you! Just tag us in the tweets @rainbowsaretoo and @mumsomeone
- Add #spectrum_sunday to your photos if you'd like a pretty red heart. If you do have a look around the hashtag and share the love
- Each week we will pick a post or two that has really touched us, and we will be share on our Facebook pages and link to on our blogs. You can find our pages here: Someone's Mum Facebook and Rainbows are too beautiful Facbook

- Someone's Mum on Twitter
- Someone's Mum on Instagram
- Rainbows are too beautiful on Twitter
- Rainbows are too beautiful on Instagram
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I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.