Every other Sunday, Danielle from Someone's Mum and I will be running #SpectrumSunday, a linky originally conceived by Claire at Son's, Sand and Sauvignon as a way to reach out to other autism parents and avoid isolation – and this sentiment that could apply to many special needs parents. Indeed, we are interested in any posts, from parents or otherwise, that raise awareness of special needs and mental health issues. We want to grow the community further and open it up to other friends we have made connections with on our blogging and special needs journeys.
The linky runs once a fortnight, alternating hosting between myself and Danielle. We really want to make sure that everyone with a post gets to link up and so we will keep the linky open for 13 days - Sunday until the Saturday nearly two weeks later. Hopefully, this should mean that everyone can link up, no matter their time zone and even though the linky is every two weeks. We may branch out with an Instagram hashtag too, watch this space.
Thank you to all those who linked up and shared posts last week. My favourite post from last week was from Visual Vox - Portrait of the Autist as a young child - but don't forget the bliss. A fascinating insight into some of the happy memories the author had as a child. I'll post this on my Facebook page. Danielle's choice was from Stories About Autism - When two brothers just can't be together, because though it must have been a hard topic to write about, it was an honest, realistic and rational post in which his love and understanding of his sons was tangible. Danielle will feature her favourite post and all posts linked have been added to our Pinterest board.
This week I'm linking up two posts. A short post seeking help from parents of SEND kids to help me communicate what they want from their schools when I make a keynote speech at a conference this autumn and an old post on how we knew it was time to tell our eldest son, Anthony, that he had a diagnosis of ASD. Danielle is linking up her post that featured on the NAS TMI site.
Linky Rules
- The linky will run from 7am Sunday to 7am the Saturday 13 days afterwards, allowing everyone to link up get a wide range of posts now the linky is fortnightly.
- Please be kind and add our linky badge to the bottom of your post/s so people can find their way back to read other posts (just copy and paste the code below)
- Add up to two posts per person, old or new
- Please comment on both host posts
- Then comment on the post before yours and more if you can!
- Please make sure comments are thoughtful and valuable - this subject is incredibly emotive and we all handle our daily struggle differently so kind and supportive messages only please.
- If you feel someone has been commenting negatively please let us know, and we will get in touch with them on your behalf.
- If you follow us and add the hashtag #spectrumsunday to your tweets, we will retweet for you!
- Each week we will pick a post or two that has really touched us, and we will be share on our Facebook pages and link to on our blogs. You can find our pages here: Someone's Mum Facebook and Rainbows are too beautiful Facbook

- Someone's Mum on Twitter
- Someone's Mum on Instagram
- Rainbows are too beautiful on Twitter
- Rainbows are too beautiful on Instagram
We are really looking forward to reading your posts!
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I read all your comments and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me and our readers. I welcome any feedback on my posts and you can always contact me directly. Thank you.