Sunday 4 November 2018

SEND & SpectrumSunday 77

It's getting cold and I'm piling on the layers! However you are doing, I'd love you to come share your SEND & autism posts with me here on our SEND and Spectrum Sunday linky - the place you can share and find blog posts about autism, mental health, education and anything related to autism and special educational needs and disabilities parenting. 

Danielle from Someone's Mum and Victoria from Starlight and Stories try and help me out with sharing posts in this linky, that's currently running once a month. This means linked up posts are shared with our 30,000 twitter followers if you remember to tweet them to us - see below for details. We love everyone in our community and appreciate your efforts to join in!

My favourite post from last month was from Sensational Learning with Penguin and was about why she doesn't (or may does?) care about the causes of Autism.  Sometimes controversial, but in this case just well written.  This month I'm linking up about why my autistic son spends hours playing on his iPad after a Victoria Derbyshire feature an hour a day was more than enough for a child, and about helping my kids in the months after a close relative died.

Each month I will comment on, pin and share your linked up posts.  We just ask you share a bit of love with other posts in return through commenting or sharing.  If you have any questions about a linky you can contact me.   If you are new and unsure about linkies - just read my guide here.

How the #spectrumsunday linky operates
  • Our linky runs from 8am every other Sunday for two weeks or a month during busy times - check the count down at the bottom of the linky for when it's closing
  • You can add up to two posts or micro-blog posts each - old or new content is all fine by us.  If adding a micro-blog from facebook, make sure you add the link of the post by clicking on the time stamp to copy the link.
  • It would be great if you could choose one of my host posts to comment on :-)
  • Then comment on the post before yours, then a few more if you feel you can.  We are all busy so just do what you can.  If you have any difficulty commenting, please let me or the linker know in case they have a problem with their blog they don't know about.  
  • Feel free to share any posts you'd like to with your followers.  We all love a share but no pressure!
  • This subject can be incredibly emotive so kind and supportive messages only please.
  • It would be great if you tweet your linked posts with #spectrumsunday - we will retweet for you! Just tag us in the tweets @rainbowsaretoo, (Victoria) @2ndtimemama and (Danielle) @mumsomeone 
  • If you add a Facebook microblog add the #spectrumsunday to your post and tag me - Rainbows are too beautiful Facebook
  • For all blog posts, please be kind and add our linky badge to the bottom of your post/s or add a hyperlink back to this page so people can find way back to read other posts (just copy and paste the code below into your HTML if you are adding the badge - see this guide if you are unsure) 
  • Spectrum Sunday

Looking forward to reading yours links - please add below xx

An InLinkz Link-up

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