
Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The hope I see in the kind acts of children

Performance has always been difficult for Anthony.  The pressure of a spectacle, the potential of failure and the large number of people are a lot to cope with.  We've always been very proud of Anthony's effort to participate in his class performances but I've noted that it's not only his increased ability to cope with summer concerts and Christmas plays that gives me hope for his future.  It's the actions of the other children too.

Read the updated version and rest of this post here.

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NAS - Routines and resistance to change
NAS - The sensory world of autism


  1. Ah, we have been through the same pain and uncertainty with Christmas concerts and class assemblies etc... but we've been blessed with brilliant peers for our girl too, they help so much and give us hope that society is improving :)

  2. awww its so lovely to see that he is gaining in confidence and that those around him are also so supportive as he grows.

    what a wonderfully touching post .. here is to many more moment like these that restore faith in human nature
    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments


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